Iskustvo Filipina: ilegalno oboreni trupci pretvoreni u 146.000 školskih stolova

Turning Illegally-logged Timber into 146,000 School Desks


Postoji mnogo zemalja koje pokušavaju potpuno zaustaviti proces ilegalne sječe. Filipini su pronašli jedinstveni, kreativan i ekonomičan način rješavanje tog problema uz pomoć pilana Wood-Mizer.


When logs are illegally felled and transported to other countries, this denies local Philippines the benefit of their own good timber. 

Over the last few years, the Philippines has made great efforts to curb illegal logging. Aerial and water borne surveillance assist in determining where agents will make raids on suspicious activities, while road checkpoints target timber in transit. These activities have resulted in the confiscation of illegally-logged timber and the prosecution of those responsible.


A pile of apprehended logs lies exposed to the element. Without a salvage plan, they would rot.

Through these raids and checkpoint stops, approximately 66000 cubic meters (28.5 million bd. ft.) of high quality timber was confiscated from 2010 to 2014 alone. 


A pile of apprehended logs lies exposed to the element. Without a salvage plan, they would rot.

Confiscated timber was stored throughout the Philippines, usually not far from where it had been intercepted, in order to serve as evidence during legal proceedings. Once the legal requirements were fulfilled, officials were faced with a dilemma – what to do with the massive stockpiles of high quality timber scattered throughout the island nation before the wood eventually deteriorated?



U 20. stoljeću, Filipini su izgubili veći dio debelih trupaca iz šumskog pokrova prekomjernom sječom. Nedavno je vlada implementirala nova pravila, koja su preokrenula trend daljnjeg krčenja šuma, no preostale šume još uvijek trpile nezakonitu preradu.


“I hope that the forest will once again become green, just like 50 years ago." Dr. Dwight Eusebio

And this is not a problem only confined to the Philippines. As countries worldwide in Asia, Africa and South America fight back against deforestation and illegal logging, the problem of what to do with the confiscated timber is a pressing issue. The whole point of anti-illegal logging programs is to preserve our resource for the future. So what about the timber already cut and intercepted? As officials in the Philippines watched these beautiful timbers rotting, they came up with an idea that the rest of the world would do well to pay attention to.



Kada se drvo ilegalno posiječe I trupci prevezu u druge zemlje, to oduzima lokalnim Filipincima korist svoje vlastite, dobre građe.


Dr. Dwight Eusebio demonstrates a finished chair.

The mission of DENR, TESDA, DepEd and PAGCOR was simple. They wanted to take the logs that had been confiscated, salvage them, mill them, and create school tables and chairs for local schools. They began by cutting the wood and sending it away to be refurbished, but eventually they were able to begin manufacturing the furniture themselves. It was a complete turnaround for the Filipino community. The Forest Products and Development Institute-Department of Science and Technology (FPRDI-DOST) was also tapped by DENR to convert confiscated logs into lumber and transported them to TESDA, Agusan del Sur. 


The report entitled: ‘Sawmilling of Ten Million Board Feet of Logs and Flitches in CARAGA for Use of DepEd in the Manufacture of School Desks and Chairs’


A collaborative project between DENR and FPRDI-DOST entitled: ‘Sawmilling of Ten Million Board Feet of Logs and Flitches in CARAGA for Use of DepEd in the Manufacture of School Desks and Chairs’

A collaborative project between DENR and FPRDI-DOST entitled: ‘Sawmilling of Ten Million Board Feet of Logs and Flitches in CARAGA for Use of DepEd in the Manufacture of School Desks and Chairs’ was implented. Ten million board feet is more than 23,000 cubic meters of wood! And this is just from the Caraga region of the Philippines – a fraction of the whole country.


Wood-Mizer uses thin-kerf blade technology to reduce waste to the absolute minimum during the processing of logs into a finished product.


Tijekom posljednjih nekoliko godina, Filipini su uložili velike napore u suzbijanje ilegalne sječe. Zračni nadzor nad šumama i vodoma pomaže pri određivanju gdje će agenti izvršiti kontrolu sumnjivih aktivnosti, a kontrolne točke na cestama nadziru trupce u tranzitu. Te su aktivnosti rezultirale oduzimanjem ilegalno sječenih trupaca i procesuiranju odgovornih osoba.


Workers convert illegally-logged timber into components for school desks and chairs.

The woodworking shop bursting at the seams with high quality school desks and chairs, made from wood once destined for illegal profits.

But just how big of an impact did the project have on the environment? Consider this: the average 3,000 square-foot timber frame house takes around 15,000 board feet of timber to build. The project has already scaled that amount and cut nearly 4 million board feet of timber. With so much excess illegal wood, DENR and FPRDI-DOST have found a way to create a beneficial, economical, and rewarding purpose for the confiscated logs.


A finished school desk built to last for many generations of students.


Takvim zračnim nadzorom i kontrolnim točkama, zaplijenjeno je oko 66.000 kubičnih metara visokovrijednog drva samo od 2010. do 2014. godine.


The use of 10 Wood-Mizer mobile sawmills allowed for salvage projects to take place anywhere in the Philippines.


Zaplijenjeno drvo bilo je pohranjeno na Filipinima, obično nedaleko od mjesta na kojem je oduzeto. Trupci su držani na otvorenom, podložni kiši i suvišnoj sunčevoj svjetlosti, što je uzrokovalo propadanje trupaca. Takav resurs se ne smije izgubiti samim procesom oduzimanja, koji je uspostavila vlada, da služi ljudima.



Dr. Eusebio also recognized the efficiency of sawmills because they take up so little energy. In Kenya, the energy efficiency and minimal wastage of the Wood-Mizer machines impressed forestry officials so much that they banned new sawmillers from using any other kind of sawmill in their businesses. As reported in The Star, Kenya in April, 2016, the Kenyan Forestry Service issued new rules in order to more effectively combat illegal logging operations, by requiring licensed sawmillers to use thin-kerf sawmills only.



Dužnosnici u vladi su se suočili s problemom - što učiniti s masivnim zalihama visokokvalitetnog drva raspršenog po cijelom otoku, kako bi se izbjeglo da će drvo biti potpuno izgubljeno? Došli su do ideje da pronađu način korištenja tih trupaca za filipinsku zajednicu.



The logs that are able to be salvaged from illegal logging confiscation are used to grow the woodworking factory and train people. The DENR now has ten Wood-Mizer sawmills and they have been deployed all over the vast country. They transport these sawmills to places where illegally-felled logs have been stored after confiscation.



U to vrijeme u javnim školama na Filipinima nedostajalo je najmanje 2,5 milijuna stolica. U 2010. godini na Filipinima je započeo projekt kojim bi se državno zaplijenjeni trupci mogli koristiti za izradu novog namještaja za lokalne škole.



Od 2011. godine proizvedeno je više od 146.000 komada školskog namještaja, a 369 školskih zgrada popravljeno je korištenjem zaplijenjenih drvnih proizvoda.


10 Wood-Mizer sawmills allowed the project to be successful in salvaging the millions of board feet of wood into high quality timber for the school desks.


Prije početka tog projekta, radni tim je imao jednu pilanu. Međutim, nakon što je projekt bio koncipiran, tim je odlučio kupiti još pet pilana Wood-Mizer. Sada već posluju sa deset Wood-Mizer pilana i one su raspoređeni diljem te velike zemlje. Pilane se prenose na mjesta, gdje su konfiscirani trupci nakon oduzimanja, te na licu mjesta ispile trupce u stolarsku građu.

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